1. Stand on the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Standards
Presented by: Vikass Monebhurrun, CentraleSupélec, France, Lars Jacob Foged, MVG-World
There is no additional fee to attend this workshop. Participants of the workshop will be enrolled in a drawing, and 3 lucky winners will receive a copy of the recently published IEEE Std 149-2021: IEEE Recommended Practice on Antenna Measurements (US $164 Value).
The terminology standards on antennas (IEEE Std 145-2013) and radio wave propagation (IEEE Std 211-2018) are important documents that guarantee the right use of accepted terms in technical papers and reports. IEEE Std 149-2021 (antenna measurement), IEEE Std 1720-2012 (near field antenna measurement) & IEEE Std. 1502-2020 (radar cross-section measurement) prove useful when performing antenna measurements. The workshop will provide an overview of these standards that have been developed by the IEEE Antennas & Propagation Standards Committee.
Presenter Biographies
Dr. Vikass Monebhurrun (SM’07) received the PhD degree in 1994 and the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches in 2010 from Université Pierre et Marie Curie and Université Paris-Sud, respectively. His research contributed to the international standardization committees of CENELEC, IEC, and IEEE. He is author and co-author of more than hundred peer-reviewed international conference and journal papers and five book chapters. He is an active contributor to the international standardization committees of IEC 62209, IEC 62232, IEC/IEEE 62704 and IEEE1528. He serves as Associate-Editor for the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine since 2015 and Transactions since 2016, and Editor of the IoP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering since 2013. He is the founder of the IEEE RADIO international conference for which he served as General Chair for all seven editions since 2012. He is the Chair of the international committees of IEC/IEEE 62704-3 since 2010 and IEEE Antennas and Propagation Standards since 2015. He was recipient of the URSI Young Scientist Award in 1996, IEEE Standards Association International Joint Working Group Chair Award in 2017, IEEE Ulrich L. Rohde Humanitarian Technical Field Project Award in 2018, International Electrotechnical Commission 1906 Award in 2018 and IEEE Standards Association International Award in 2019.
Mr. Lars Foged (M’91–SM’00) received his B.S. from Aarhus Teknikum, Denmark in 1988 and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from California Institute of Technology, USA in 1990. He was a “graduate trainee” of the European Space Agency, ESTEC and in the following ten years, designed communication and navigation antennas in the satellite industry. He led the antenna design effort on the recently launched GALILEO space segment and performed the multi-physics design of shaped reflectors for the EUTELSAT W satellites, still serving European users. Following his passion to rationalize the multi-disciplinary antenna design process, including measurements and simulations, he joined MVG (formerly SATIMO) in 2001 and founded the Italian branch office. In MVG, he initiated close collaborations with universities and research institutions on measurements with focus on antennas and techniques for analysis/post-processing. He has held different technical leadership positions in MVG and is currently the Scientific Director of the Microwave Vision Group, and Associate Director of Microwave Vision Italy. He has authored or co-authored more than 200 journal and conference papers on antenna design and measurement topics and received the “Best Technical Paper Award” from AMTA in 2013. He has contributed to five books and standards, and holds four patents.