ISAP2022 is financially sponsored by ISCITA (ABN 78 580 581 267). ISCITA is a not for profit association formed in 2011 by Prof. Eryk Dutkiewicz. Current office holders are Prof. Eryk Dutkiewicz (Chair), Prof Xiaojing Huang (Vice-Chair), Prof. Ren Ping Liu (Vice-Chair), Dr Ying He (Secretary) and Dr Diep Nguyen (Treasurer). ISCITA was formed to act as a fianncial and contracting entity for international Engineering and Science conferences in Australia. ISCITA fills a role that Australian Universities no longer want, accepting the risk associated with running a major international event, but which international societies like IEEE insist is undertaken by a not-for-profit organisation.
ISCITA’s mission is to attract and run international Science and Engineering conferences in Australia. To date ISCITA has run the following conference in Australia with endorsement from societies including IEEE, IEAust, IEICE:
- ISMICT2018 – International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology
- ISCIT2017 – International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (2017)
- ISAP2015 – The International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (2015)
- WPMC2014 – 17th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communication
- IWAT2014 – 10th International Workshop on Antenna Technology
- ISCIT2012 The International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (2012)
Any profit from running ISAP2022 will be used by ISCITA to attract further international Engineering and Science conferences to Australia.
ISAP2022 is managed and underwritten by the conference manager, Academic Event Services (ABN 14 596 603 040) on a fee-for-service basis. Academic Event Services is owned and operated by Dr. H. W. Peter Beadle. Neither Academic Event Services or Dr. Beadle has an interest in ISCITA.